Category Archives: Sober living
Why Does Red Wine Make Me Sneeze?
When you have alcohol, it causes the blood vessels throughout your body to dilate or expand. This is especially evident on the surface of the skin and is why people tend to get more flushed or red when they drink
What Are Sober Living Homes?
Residents may choose to use an SLH to transition from the structured, therapeutic lifestyle of rehab to the outside world. They provide a safe, alcohol and drug-free space for residents, enabling them to feel comfortable as they re-engage
Drug Detox: Process, Side Effects & Detox Centers Near Me
Take our free, 5-minute substance abuse self-assessment below if you think you or someone you love might be struggling with drug addiction. The evaluation consists of 11 yes or no questions that are intended to be used as
Goodbye Letter to Alcohol Template Download Printable PDF
The silver lining to our relationship is that I am stronger than I’ve ever been. My relationship with you, Addiction, made me a trophy of grace. Relationships have been restored, and new ones have begun. I’ve said goodbye
Writing a Goodbye Letter to Alcohol Purpose Get Support
I really think you just wanted to be my buddy in the beginning. My weekend friend with with the fellas. I’m the one that dragged you along into my adult days. You’re a loyal dude, so you had
COPD and Alcohol Alcohol’s Effects on the Lungs
Although the majority of data focuses on the effects of chronic alcohol ingestion, experimental evidence further suggests that even acute exposure has similar detrimental effects on alveolar macrophage immune function, although these defects readily resolve (Libon et al. 1993). Taken
COPD and Alcohol: Is There a Link?
Moreover, these observations directly conflict with findings that many asthmatics actually report exacerbations of their disease after alcohol ingestion (Ayres and Clark 1983a; Breslin et al. 1973; Vally et al. 2000). In an attempt to explain some of these discrepancies
How to Achieve Sobriety Without AA: 8 Powerful Strategies by John Makohen
Neurofeedback allows you to see your own brain waves on a computer screen, in real-time, and thus learn to alter certain brain rhythms through continuous feedback. It’s traditionally been used for sufferers of PTSD, though in
Non 12-Step Rehabs Near You: Alternatives to AA and 12-Step Programs
Distance yourself from people who threaten the success of your sobriety. Your first responsibility is to your recovery, and it’s important to protect it by making necessary changes. They empower individuals to take control of their recovery process and
Withdrawing from Benzodiazepines: Symptoms, Safety, and Treatment
When intake of therapeutic doses of sedatives is stopped or reduced below a critical level, a self-limited mild withdrawal syndrome can ensue. After only a few weeks of use, attempts to stop using the drug can exacerbate insomnia and